Saturday, December 19, 2009

My hair has been falling out fast in the past few days after i used a chinese hotel shampoo. what do i do??

Are you sure it is the shampoo? You could be allergic, in which case get the ingrediants and make sure there are none u r allergic to or go to the doctor for testing... But it could also be Alopecia, which is a type of cancer that causes hair loss, but not sickness so don't be worried. Go to the doctor and see what he thinks...My hair has been falling out fast in the past few days after i used a chinese hotel shampoo. what do i do??
duh go to a dermatologist and dont fiddle around in the inter netMy hair has been falling out fast in the past few days after i used a chinese hotel shampoo. what do i do??
Go to your salon and ask the hair stylist, they may be able to recommend a product. You could probably just call them too and I'm sure they could give you advice over the phone.

And from now on remember - never use hotel soap/shampoo. The person who stayed there before you could have been a big jerk and put something different in the bottle (like nair), the hotel staff doesnt throw away the bottles that arent used.

Its the same as not using the salt and pepper shakers at a never know when some high school doofus spit in it for ';fun.';

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