Saturday, December 19, 2009

Do you take the little shampoos from hotels?

Have you ever taken more than the complimentary toiletries?Do you take the little shampoos from hotels?
Yes. I've gone into McDonalds and taken all of their salt and ketchup too. I was once very poor and had to eat Ramen noodles twice a day just to survive. We'd hit all the fast food restaurants for condiments. Ah, so nice now having some money. Worked along hard time to get here though.Do you take the little shampoos from hotels?
I have never taken anything except the disposables like hand cream, soap, shower caps, shampoo, and conditioners. The advertising on them works for the hotels and the samples work in my guest house.

yes, I've taken some pretty odd things including a lightfixture from the hallway of a place that I was not even staying in.... I was a young hellion once.

The last thing I took was a robe, I use it every day. lol
yeah you're supposed to take the stuff in there, that's what it's for. and if you don't take it, they just throw it out and get new stuff.
I took the coffee maker once.

I was shocked when no extra charges came up on my credit card. I guess the cleaning lady just didn't care and didn't make note of it.
Yeah, wow, this makes me feel great that iI am not the only one to do that.
lol no I never find that they are good brands or enough to wash my hair with. I usually bring my own.
Yea, but I never use them. I've taken some towels before too.
Hellz yeah...and no to the sec- oh wait. Yes to both.
no - just the free stuff
umm...well....guilty :)

nice Q's somethin almost every1 does but no 1 admits ... :D

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